"Orange Bug" from the #PopOfColorProject Series

Do you ever scroll through Instagram and find yourself either A) in awe of all of the amazing photos you see or B) inspired by some of the content that people are able to capture in one photo? SAME.

I really believe that art is something that makes me the happiest and most inspired person I can be. I have always had a knack for art and an eye for photography. In fact, my eye for photography has been the inspiration for many of my artistic pieces. 

I recently started following Anthropologie on Instagram. If you have ever stepped foot into one of their stores, then you know why someone who is all about aesthetics loves the place. Their social media is no different. Their photos (although taken by other accounts and credited) are the epitome of colorful, chic, and simple art. In fact, this was a photo I stumbled upon while scrolling one day...

What is it about this photo that caught my eye? The symmetry, for one. The symmetrical cuts and lines of this building and the architecture are breathtaking. But more than that, the POP of the orange from the car against the monotone background is stunning. THIS is how I created the idea for the #PopOfColorProject.

I love working in the mediums of both ink and watercolors. The contrast of the two compliment each other so well (yes, that is an oxymoron). I wanted to created pieces that were drawn in ink, making it black and white, with one POP of color done using watercolors. Being that most of this photo was already black and white, it was a perfect way to begin. Here is the side-by-side of the original and my painting...


I must say, I am very happy with the way this came out! Using Micron ink pens and Arteza real brush pens, here are some photos of the process:

Stay tuned for more pieces to come in this #PopOfColorProject series!! 


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